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Red Bluff Union Elementary District

Red Bluff Union Elementary District

Projector and TV-Monitor FAQ

Projector - No Image Projecting
  1. Cycle through the "Source" options. (probably need one of the "computer" or "hdmi" selections. 
  2. Unplug - plug both ends of all cables, twice.
  3. If using a wireless unit: 
    a. If USB dongle provided, plug / unplug dongle (USB transmitter)
    b. If that doesn't work follow these steps in order:
        i. Shut down computer and turn off projector (or tv-monitor)
        ii. Unplug dongle. Unplug small power cord to receiver at projector (or tv). 
        iii. Turn on projector / tv. Power up computer and log in. 
        iv. Plug power cord into receiver. Plug dongle into USB. 
        v. Check "source" setting.
  4. Contact your Site Tech. 

Projector or TV-Monitors - No Sound
  1. R-click on the speaker 'tray icon' at bottom right of screen. 
  2. Select "Playback Devices" 
  3. To switch between the options, R-click on a device and select "Set as default device". 
  4. If that didn't do it, try the other(s). 
  5. Contact your Site Tech.
Projector or TV-Monitor - Shows Desktop with No Mouse, Icons, or Programs
This means that the computer is "extending" the display not duplicating it . . . in other words it's treating the projector like a second monitor that is 'attached' at one edge to you main display. Rolling the mouse beyond either the left or the right edge of your computer's screen will make the mouse cursor show up on the projector. 
  1. Minimize your programs so you can see the desktop background on your system. 
  2. In an open space on the background (no icons) R-click, then select "Screen Resolution". 
  3. At "Multiple Displays:" click the dropdown and select "Duplicate these Displays". 
  4. Now what you seen on your computer should also be up on the big screen. 

    [Note: If you are a power user, you may prefer having the displays extended so you can work while your students watch an instructional video.]
Windows multiple display settings


We have a whole new arrangement for the board room. The computer is a little guy mounted on the wall BEHIND the big TV. 
Board room computer
Here are a few things to keep in mind: 
  • When you log into this new computer for the first time, it will take a few minutes to set you up. Please log in, then start Chrome and get set up. 

  • Please test your presentation 24 hours ahead of time, so we can help if needed. 
  • New computer = HDMI 1

  • Aux (visiting computers) = HDMI 2   --the plug for this on the wall below
  • When turning on TV, press power 1 time, wait 30 sec. 

  • If you want a 'generic login' use:  substitute   p/w: rbsub

  • Wireless keyboard & mouse
  • Two kinds of HDMI cables, plus VGA adapter
  • Chromecast unit
  • Power outlet strips for visiting laptops 
  • Spare "emergency projector"
On wall below TV. 
ethernet and hdmi connections in a wall
Changing INPUT on TV. 
tv remote
HDMI cable and VGA adapter. When using the adapter be sure to also plug in the USB for power and the audio. Plug one end of cable into wall jack marked HDMI 2 (below TV)
An hdmi cable with a vga adapter